Monday, August 18, 2008

Baby Bump

Well, Baby Glawe is beginning to make its presence known. Matt took a couple of pictures yesterday of the proof and here they are...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Our Jamaica Vacation!

Matt and I just got back from a wonderful week in Jamaica! We had a great time. Since it was our 2nd time there we went off the resort more and saw more of Jamaica. We went shopping at 2 different craft markets. I must say I got pretty good at wheeling and dealing! We also went rafting on a bamboo raft through some really pretty parts of Jamaica. Then we went on a semi-submarine ride (looks like a glass bottom boat, but you're 6 feet under water). It was fun, but not so great for the pregnant lady! It made me a little sick-but at least I made it back to our room first! Other than that I felt pretty good and we had a great time. I tried to post some pictures below. It's my first time, so sorry if it doesn't turn out so great!

Our last night in Jamaica!

Sandals had a steel drum band playing before the beach party one night.

One of the craft markets we went to.

Our rafting guide (Nelson) took a picture of us rafting down the Martha Brae
The original Margaritaville is in Montego Bay
A picture of our semi-submarine. When we were downstairs in the boat we were about 6 feet under water.

This was the view from our patio.

We're Having a Baby!!

That's right! We're having a baby and we're very excited about it! We found out on June 13th (which just happened to be Friday the 13th). Matt didn't believe the first test, so I ended up taking another one the next day to prove to him that I really am pregnant! I actually ended up taking 3 tests! Last week I had a doctor's appointment and we heard the baby's heart beat for the first time. It was very exciting and we finally had proof that there's actually a baby in there and I haven't just had the flu for 2 months! We won't know until October whether it's a boy or a girl. I'll keep you posted.